Abingdon to the John Radcliffe via central Oxford
30.10.22 - 2:00PM

Cycle Ride: Sunday 30th October, 2 pm to 4 pm. From Long Furlong Medical Centre, North Abingdon OX14 1XR to the John Radcliffe Children’s Hospital, Oxford, OX3 9DU.
Join a group of paediatricians, GP’s and other healthcare workers who are planning a fun ride which will take in the Thames Path and the centre of Oxford. We are highlighting the benefits of action on climate change and air pollution for health and wellbeing. Working collaboratively and instilling hope in what we are doing is so important. This ride is a way of making connections locally and even internationally. We will make a stop along the way at Iffley Lock around 1445 and then in town at Broad Street around 1530. Join us for the whole ride or meet us along the way. Bring your refillable drinks cup as we hope to have a cuppa and a snack along the way! For more information please email: angela.wilson37@nhs.net
Please let us know if you are attending by email for safety reasons.
Telephone number for contact on the day: 07899093347
This is an adult-only ride. Please wear a hi-vis if possible and have appropriate lights on your bike. Many thanks