Modena Ride
Several rides of varying distances converging on the Piazza Grande in Modena
"This is why today we pediatricians pedal at the same time in Turin, Modena,
Rome, Milan. We call for a limit to the proliferation of fossil fuels,
we want renewable energy, electric mobility, better public transport and more
walking and cycling, only possible with adequate policies
disincentive to the use of the car, flanked by an adequate and widespread network of
cycle paths. We want more trains and at a competitive cost compared to the car, one
serious and reasoned development of public transport throughout the national territory, as well as
a fiscal policy capable of actually penalizing the most polluting choices e
reward the virtuous ones. But it also takes people's willingness to make choices
sometimes uncomfortable, like putting the car aside ”, adds Ilaria Mariotti, pediatrician
family in Modena, who has just finished his run alongside pediatricians
creators of Ride for Their Lives, an initiative that includes this Italian event,
designed by a group of British pediatricians and representatives of the Organization
World Health Organization (WHO). By supporting the European ride of Ride for Their Lives,
ACP asks colleagues from all backgrounds to sign the prescription letter for a
healthy climate, already signed by 46 million health workers around the world, and the appeal
for a Non-Proliferation Treaty of Fossil Fuels: documents that i
British colleagues will present in the coming days to world leaders gathered in Sharm
el-Sheikh, to carry out courageous actions for the climate. In Modena Mariotti
will ride together with Sabrina Bulgarelli and a dozen other pediatricians and trainees,
starting from different points of the city (Polyclinic, pediatric clinics, clinic)
to then meet in Piazza Grande.